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Independent Studies

Students may pursue Independent Studies with Philosophy faculty, affiliated faculty, and lecturers, at the instructor's discretion. 
There are two types of Independent Studies for the Philosophy Program:

  • PHIL 2999: Independent Study, where a student arranges with an instructor to pursue a program of reading and writing on a suitable, specific topic. 
  • PHIL 4998: Directed Honors Research, which is open to senior majors in Philosophy. The student arranges with a faculty member to do an honors thesis on a suitable topic. For more information on this option, please see the Honors webpage

Nether PHIL 2999 nor PHIL 4998 count towards distribution and/or level requirements for the major. Students should discuss their plans for Independent Studies with the Undergrduate Chair, to make sure that their independent studies goals are feasible. 
Once a student has met with the Undergraduate Chair and had been approved by an advisor, the student is expected to email the Undergradaute Coordinator, Jessica Kwasniak ( with the permission they have received from their advisor, so the Undergraduate Coordinator can build the appropriate course for the student. 
Once the course is built, The Undergraduate Coordinator will reach out to the student with instructions on how to enroll.