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Courses for Spring 2025

Title Instructor Location Time All taxonomy terms Description Section Description Cross Listings Fulfills Registration Notes Syllabus Syllabus URL Course Syllabus URL
PHIL 1000-001 Introduction to Philosophy Youngbin Yoon
Will Yu
ANNS 111 TR 12:00 PM-12:59 PM Philosophers ask difficult questions about the most basic issues in human life. Does God exist? What can we know about the world? What does it mean to have a mind? How should I treat non-human animals? Do I have free will? This course is an introduction to some of these questions and to the methods philosophers have developed for thinking clearly about them. Hum & Soc Sci Sector (new curriculum only)
PHIL 1110-601 Ancient Greek Philosophy Paul A Musso COHN 392 W 5:15 PM-8:14 PM What is philosophy? How does it differ from science, religion, literature, and other modes of human discourse? This course traces the origins of philosophy as a discipline in the Western tradition, looking to thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome. We will examine how natural philosophers such as Thales, Anaximander, and Heraclitus distinguished their inquiries from the teachings of poets such as Homer and Hesiod; how ancient atomism had its origins in a response to Parmenides' challenge to the assumption that things change in the world; how Socrates reoriented the focus of philosophy away from the natural world and toward the fundamental ethical question, how shall I live? We will also examine how his pupil, Plato, and subsequently Aristotle, developed elaborate philosophical systems that address the nature of reality, knowledge, and human happiness. Finally, we will examine the ways in which later thinkers such as the Epicureans and Stoics transformed and extended the earlier tradition. CLST1501601 History & Tradition Sector (all classes)
PHIL 1170-001 History of Modern Philosophy Sabina Bremner
Gwendalynn Carlene Roebke
PCPE AUD MW 5:15 PM-6:15 PM This course is an introduction to a few central themes in philosophy in the 17th and 18th centuries, and to some of the crucial thinkers who addressed those themes. Topics to be covered may include, among others, the nature of the human being (including the human mind), the relationship between God and the created world, the nature of freedom, and the relations among natural sciences, philosophy and theology in this rich period of human history. History & Tradition Sector (all classes)
PHIL 1330-001 Ethics Kordell Dixon
Carlos J Pereira Di Salvo
BENN 201 MW 12:00 PM-12:59 PM Ethics is the study of right and wrong. This introductory course will introduce students to major ethical theories, the possible sources of normativity, and specific ethical problems and questions. Topics may include euthanasia, abortion, animal rights, the family, sexuality, bioethics, crime and punishment, and war. Society sector (all classes)
PHIL 1342-301 Bioethics Maja Sidzinska WILL 203 TR 3:30 PM-4:59 PM This course is an introduction to bioethics, focusing on ethical questions arising at the beginning and end of life. Topics will include procreative responsibilities, the question of wrongful life, and prenatal moral status as well as questions of justice related to markets for sperm, eggs and gestation. We will also attend to dilemmas at the end of life, including the authority of advance directives, euthanasia and the allocation of life-saving therapies. Society sector (all classes)
PHIL 1360-301 Philosophy of Sport Milton W. Meyer VANP 302 TR 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This is an introductory philosophy course that uses philosophical tools to understand and answer questions that arise in and about sports. Is there a principled basis for determining which methods of performance enhancement are acceptable? Developing a framework to answer this question will take us through: 1) questions about rules: what is their point in sports and what are appropriate reasons to change them; 2) questions about the point of participation in a sport; 3) questions about the kinds of virtues sports participants can demonstrate; and 4) questions about integrity of participants and a sport itself. A related set of questions concerns the appropriate competitors in sporting events: Should competition be restricted to single sex categories; Should competition be divided into disabled and non-disabled categories?
PHIL 1433-001 The Social Contract Luca Garzino Demo
Shawn Xavier Hernandez
Jennifer Morton
LEVN AUD TR 1:45 PM-2:44 PM This is a critical survey of the history of western modern political philosophy, beginning from the Early Modern period and concluding with the 19th or 20th Century. Our study typically begins with Hobbes and ends with Mill or Rawls. The organizing theme of our investigation will be the idea of the Social Contract. We will examine different contract theories as well as criticisms and proposed alternatives to the contract idea, such as utilitarianism. Besides the above, examples of authors we will read are Locke, Rousseau, Hume, Mill and Marx. Society sector (all classes)
PHIL 1450-301 Philosophy of Law Paul A Musso WILL 218 MW 1:45 PM-2:44 PM An introduction to some of the central philosophical problems of law: What is law? What makes law? What is the relationship between law and morality? Can laws be unjust? Is there a moral obligation to obey the law? We will look at different theories of law, such as positivism and natural law theory, and discuss topics like civil disobedience, liberty and the law, and punishment and the law, and the special status of constitutional law. Readings from both classic and contemporary philosophers such as Michelle Alexander, Jeremy Bentham, Angela Davis, Ronald Dworkin, John Hart Ely, H.L.A. Hart, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Robert Nozick, Martha Nussbaum, Richard Posner, and Jeremy Waldron. Society sector (all classes)
PHIL 1571-401 Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency Maximilian James Gebauer
Carlos Santana
Ezekiel Vergara
MEYH B3 TR 10:15 AM-11:14 AM This course is a comprehensive introduction to the climate emergency and the tools with which we can fight it. It will integrate natural science, social science, philosophy of science, history, ethics, and policy. The course opens with an overview of the historical discovery of global warming and our contemporary understanding of climate change. We then turn to the framework that the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has developed to study climate risks, focusing on both general issues and case studies throughout the world. The existence and severity of these risks raises questions of climate justice at many levels: individuals to individuals, countries to countries, and the present generation to future generations. We will study these issues in detail, and then examine the policy tools developed to address them. Although we will discuss national and sub-national policy and policy proposals such as the Green New Deal, special attention will be given to global policy tools, especially the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. In addition to standard writing assignments, students will have a chance to develop policy proposals that address the core issues of the class. ENVS1043401 Nat Sci & Math Sector (new curriculum only)
PHIL 1580-301 Philosophy of Religion Stephen P Steinberg VANP 302 TR 12:00 PM-1:29 PM An introduction to philosophical questions regarding the nature of religious experiences and beliefs; arguments for and against the existence of God; the problem of evil; the relationships of faith, reason and science, the possibility of religious knowledge, the role of religious communities, etc. Readings from the history of philosophy as well as from 20th century and contemporary philosophy.
PHIL 1710-401 Introduction to Logic Idil Cakmur
Lauren Colleen Perry
Daniel Singer
MEYH B3 TR 9:00 AM-9:59 AM This course provides an introduction to some of the fundamental ideas of logic. Topics will include truth functional logic, quantificational logic, and logical decision problems. LGIC1710401, PHIL5710401 General Requirement in Formal Reasoning & Analysis
PHIL 1800-601 Philosophy of Science Vanessa A Schipani COHN 392 TR 5:15 PM-6:44 PM What counts as a scientific theory? What counts as evidence for a scientific theory? Are scientific inferences justified? Does science give us truths or approximate truths about a world that exists independently of us? How can we know? Does it matter? These are all perennial questions in the philosophy of science, and the goal of this course is to look at how philosophers have answered these questions since the scientific revolution. In addition to reading classic work by philosophers of science, we will read material from living and dead scientists in order to gain a deeper appreciation of the philosophical questions that have troubled the most brilliant scientists in Western science. Nat Sci & Math Sector (new curriculum only)
PHIL 2330-301 Ethical Questions Afton Greco BENN 138 MW 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This course examines some of the central theoretical and practical questions of ethics. For example, what is the good life? By what measure or principles do we evaluate the rightness and wrongness of actions? How does ethical reasoning help us understand and address real world problems such as world hunger, social injustice, sex and race discrimination, climate change, and war.
PHIL 2380-301 Topics in Aesthetics Youngbin Yoon WILL 214 MW 5:15 PM-6:44 PM What is beauty? What is the relationship between beauty and goodness? What does aesthetic judgment tell us, if anything, about the world? What is the relationship between ethics and aesthetics? This course addresses these and other questions in the work of authors such as Plato, Shaftesbyry, Hume, Kant, Dewey, and Coomaraswamy.
PHIL 2381-301 Philosophy and Film Daniele Lorenzini WILL 202 W 5:15 PM-8:14 PM Film allows us to explore and reflect on our everyday reality, our ordinary problems, and our bodily existence, while also incessantly blurring the boundaries between the ordinary and the extraordinary, the everyday and the fantastic. How is it able to do that? The course will begin by addressing the specific features of the medium of film and its peculiar ontology: What becomes of things and people on film? Do movies present us with images of reality or with reality itself? The response to these questions will substantiate the course’s main hypothesis: movies “think” and, as a result, far from just providing a repertoire of examples that philosophy can use for its own aims, they are themselves a form of philosophy. Through a combination of film screenings, philosophical readings, and seminar discussion, the course will test this hypothesis by addressing the contributions of classical and contemporary movies to metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and political questions that philosophy has been tackling for thousands of years.
PHIL 2510-301 Philosophy of Race Asil M Martinez WILL 321 MW 10:15 AM-11:44 AM Historically, philosophical questions about race have been about the nature and reality of race, the nature of racism, and social or political questions related to race or racism. In fitting with that history, the first part of the course will focus on the nature and reality of race, as understood in biology and as understood by ordinary people. We will begin by looking at biological race theories from Francois Bernier in 1684 to Pigliucci and Kaplan in 2003. Next, we will look at the philosophical work that has been done on the nature and reality of race as ordinarily understood in the contemporary United States. We will discuss racial anti-realism, social constructionism about race, and biological racial realism from well-known philosophers of race like Anthony Appiah, Sally Haslanger, and Joshua Glasgow. The second part of the course will focus on the nature of racism and social or political questions related to race or racism. In our discussion of racism, we will cover, at least, intrinsic racism, extrinsic racism, and institutional racism. In our discussion of social or political issues related to race or racism, we will look at whether any US racial groups should be used to diagnose, study, or treat genetic disorders.
PHIL 2560-301 Philosophy of Education Dustin C. Webster BENN 201 MW 10:15 AM-11:44 AM The philosophy of education asks questions about the foundational assumptions of our formal institutions for the reproduction of culture. It ranges therefore, from epistemology and philosophy of mind to ethics and political philosophy. For instance: What is the nature of learning and teaching? How is it possible to come to know something we did not know already--and how can we aid others in doing that? How, if at all, should formal institutions of education be concerned with shaping students' moral and civic character? What is the proper relation between educational institutions and the state? We also ask questions more specific to our own time and context. For example: how, in a multicultural state, should we educate students of varied social identities, like race, gender, and religion? What is the relationship between education and justice.
PHIL 2561-301 Philosophy of Work Tyler Re WILL 216 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM Philosophy of work: Work is central to many of our lives. We spend more time working than most other activities. It is where we learn and develop our skills, contribute to society, meet friends, and secure the goods we need to survive. This course will explore several philosophical dimensions of work, ranging from what makes certain jobs good or bad to how work should be distributed across our economy. Along the way, we will ask questions like What is work, and why is it a valuable activity? What counts as a meaningful or enjoyable job, and does everyone have a right to such a job? Who is an “essential” worker? What, if anything, is bad about gig work? How should we distribute or compensate “bad” work? Should people be able to opt out of work (for instance, by receiving basic income payments)?
PHIL 2620-301 Introduction to Epistemology and Metaphysics CANCELED Two basic assumptions of academic research are that there are truths and we can know them. Epistemology is the study of knowledge, what it is, how it is produced, and how we can have it. Metaphysics, the study of the basic constituents of reality, the study of being as such. In this introduction to metaphysics and epistemology, we will ask hard questions about the nature of reality and knowledge. No philosophy background is required for this course.
PHIL 2640-401 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind Maja Sidzinska
Ege Yumusak
COHN 402 TR 12:00 PM-12:59 PM This course will survey several central topics in philosophy of mind, as well as investigate how philosophy of the mind interacts with scientific study of the mind. Among the questions we'll be asking are: What is it to have a mind? What is the relationship between the mind and the brain? Can there be a science of the mind? What can it tell us? What can philosophy contribute to a science of the mind? What is consciousness? What is it to think, to perceive, to act? How are perception, thought, and action related to one another? VLST2210401
PHIL 2991-301 Topics in Philosophy: The Ethics of Protest Sukaina Hirji WILL 204 MW 10:15 AM-11:44 AM This seminar is open to all undergraduates. Topic will vary by semester.
PHIL 2991-302 Topics in Philosophy: Science Communication in Democracy Vanessa A Schipani WILL 218 TR 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This seminar is open to all undergraduates. Topic will vary by semester.
PHIL 3430-301 Topics in Political Philosophy: Issues in Social and Global Justice Kok-Chor Tan WILL 201 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM This majors seminar will focus on various topics in political philosophy. Topics will vary from term to term.
PHIL 3510-301 Topics in Philosophy of Race: Affirmative Action Quayshawn Nigel Julian Spencer WILL 307 TR 1:45 PM-3:14 PM In this seminar for Philosophy Majors, we will examine different topics and issues in the philosophy of race. Topics we will address can range from the metaphysics of race (e.g., are racial categories real?) to the moral and political philosophy of race (e.g., is affirmative action justifiable?)
PHIL 3800-301 Topics in Philosophy of Science Scott Weinstein TOWN 307 TR 12:00 PM-1:29 PM A seminar for philosophy majors on selected topics in the Philosophy of Science.
PHIL 4190-401 19th Century Philosophy: Karl Marx Carlos J Pereira Di Salvo WILL 301 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM A study of selected figures in 19th century philosophy. Figures to be studied may include Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and, Kierkegaard. GRMN5480401, PHIL6190401
PHIL 4251-401 Themes of Indian Philosophy: Yoga and the Bhagavad Gita Deven Patel BENN 322 TR 10:15 AM-11:44 AM Yoga is a classical school of Indian philosophy that consists of a unique metaphysics epistemology, and ethics. Yoga in the contemporary context usually refers to a system of physical and spiritual exercises that draw from this philosophy. In this course, we will read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in English translation from the original Sanskrit, with commentary. We will go over all central concepts, technical terms, and historical developments in the philosophy of Yoga. We will also discuss the philosophy of Hatha Yoga in the context of its historical and practical developments. No prior knowledge of Indian philosophy is required for this course. Alongside this, we will also look at the philosophy, religious significance, and history of the Bhagavad Gita -- a major conspective statement of Indian philosophy which draws together the insights of the early Vedic tradition (including Yoga), Buddhism, Jainism, and effectively becomes a foundational work of classical Hinduism. SAST3650401
PHIL 4515-401 Existence in Black David K. Amponsah MUSE 329 R 12:00 PM-2:59 PM Racial, colonial, and other political formations have encumbered Black existence since at least the fifteenth-century. Black experiences of and reflections on these matters have been the subject of existential writings and artistic expressions ranging from the blues to reggae, fiction and non-fiction. Reading some of these texts alongside canonical texts in European existential philosophy, this class will examine how issues of freedom self, alienation, finitude, absurdity, race, and gender shape and are shaped by the global Black experience. Since Black aliveness is literally critical to Black existential philosophy, we shall also engage questions of Black flourishing amidst the potential for pessimism and nihilism. AFRC4406401, AFRC5060401, HIST0873401, PHIL6515401
PHIL 4621-401 Topics in Epistemology: Political Epistemology Ege Yumusak MCNB 410 TR 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This multi-level seminar will will cover topics of interest to contemporary epistemologists. Possible topics may include skepticism, accounts of knowledge and justification, virtue epistemology, formal epistemology, social epistemology, feminist epistemology, meta-epistemology and epistemic normativity. PHIL6621401
PHIL 4722-401 Logic and Computability 2 Marco Zaninelli WILL 216 TR 3:30 PM-4:59 PM The course is a continuation of PHIL 4721. Cross-list with MATH5710 and LGIC3200. LGIC3200401, MATH5710401, PHIL6722401
PHIL 4724-401 Logic: From Gödel to Gödel Scott Weinstein TOWN 307 TR 10:15 AM-11:44 AM The course focuses on two central results of logic, the Gõdel Completeness Theorem and the Gõdel Incompleteness Theorems, and their ongoing impact on developments in mathematics, philosophy, and technology. PHIL6724401
PHIL 4800-401 Philosophy of Science: Feminist Philosophy of Science Carlos Santana DRLB 4N30 TR 3:30 PM-4:59 PM An advanced introduction to the central philosophical questions concerning the nature of scientific knowledge and its relation to experience, and the metaphysical assumptions underlying the natural sciences. Topics to be covered include: science versus pseudoscience, laws of nature, causation, determinism and randomness, theories and models in science, scientific explanation, underdetermination of theories by observation and measurement, realism and antirealism, reductionism and intertheory relations, objectivity and value judgments in science, hypothesis testing and confirmation of scientific theories, and classical paradoxes in scientific methodology. PHIL6800401
PHIL 5110-301 Topics in Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Sukaina Hirji 36MK 109 M 3:30 PM-6:29 PM A study of selected topics and themes in Plato, Aristotle, and their successors in the Hellenistic period.
PHIL 5170-301 Topics in Early Modern Philosophy: Moral Change and Social Critique Sabina Bremner COHN 203 M 1:45 PM-4:44 PM This course addresses topics in European philosophy of the 17-18th centuries. Topics may include the natural philosophy in the early modern period, the relation of metaphysics to the 'sciences' (including what is meant by "metaphysics", and what falls under the scope of the various sciences) as well as social, political, and ethical issues, including the role that women played, and the nascent forms of feminism that emerged in the early modern era.
PHIL 5200-301 Topics in Continental Philosophy Daniele Lorenzini BENN 224 W 10:15 AM-1:14 PM This graduate seminar will examine different traditions and topics in contemporary Continental philosophy, such as phenomenology, structuralism and post-structuralism, hermeneutics, genealogy, and deconstruction. Examples of authors we will read can include Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Gadamer, and Foucault.
PHIL 5332-301 Topics in Ethics Daniel Singer 36MK 108 W 3:30 PM-6:29 PM A selection of topics in theoretical or practical ethics.
PHIL 5430-301 Topics in Political Philosophy Samuel Freeman DRLB 2N36 T 3:30 PM-6:29 PM This is a topics-based graduate seminar in political philosophy. Examples of topics we can examine in this course include distributive justice, liberty, equality, and global justice. Course readings will be drawn from a combination of classic and more recent works on the selected topics.
PHIL 5710-401 Introduction to Logic Idil Cakmur
Lauren Colleen Perry
Daniel Singer
MEYH B3 TR 9:00 AM-9:59 AM This graduate-level course provides an introduction to some of the fundamental ideas of logic. Topics will include truth functional logic, quantificational logic, and logical decision problems. LGIC1710401, PHIL1710401
PHIL 5955-640 Contemporary Continental Philosophy Stephen P Steinberg COHN 493 T 5:15 PM-8:14 PM This MLA seminar is an introduction to 20th-century continental European philosophy, focusing on the origins and development of phenomenology, existentialism, hermeneutics, and deconstruction. No previous background in philosophy is required. We will begin with an introduction to the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and the contemporary debate over its proper interpretation. Then we will examine three existentialist critics of Husserl, whose philosophies have influenced much of recent continental thought: Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Finally, we will examine the important influence of phenomenology and existentialism on contemporary trends in continental philosophy as exhibited in works by Paul Ricoeur, Hans Georg Gadamer, Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt, and Emmanuel Levinas. Finally, we will examine the important influence of phenomenology and existentialism on contemporary trends in continental philosophy as exhibited in works by Paul Ricoeur, Hans Georg Gadamer, Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt, and Emmanuel Levinas.
PHIL 6190-401 19th Century Philosophy: Karl Marx Carlos J Pereira Di Salvo WILL 301 MW 3:30 PM-4:59 PM Graduate seminar on selected figures in 19th century philosophy. Figures to be studied may include Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and, Kierkegaard. GRMN5480401, PHIL4190401
PHIL 6515-401 Existence in Black David K. Amponsah MUSE 329 R 12:00 PM-2:59 PM Racial, colonial, and other political formations have encumbered Black existence since at least the fifteenth-century. Black experiences of and reflections on these matters have been the subject of existential writings and artistic expressions ranging from the blues to reggae, fiction and non-fiction. Reading some of these texts alongside canonical texts in European existential philosophy, this class will examine how issues of freedom, self, alienation, finitude, absurdity, race, and gender shape and are shaped by the global Black experience. Since Black aliveness is literally critical to Black existential philosophy, we shall also engage questions of Black flourishing amidst the potential for pessimism and nihilism. AFRC4406401, AFRC5060401, HIST0873401, PHIL4515401
PHIL 6621-401 Topics in Epistemology Ege Yumusak MCNB 410 TR 1:45 PM-3:14 PM This multi-level seminar will will cover topics of interest to contemporary epistemologists. Possible topics may include skepticism, accounts of knowledge and justification, virtue epistemology, formal epistemology, social epistemology, feminist epistemology, meta-epistemology and epistemic normativity. PHIL4621401
PHIL 6722-401 Logic and Computability 2 Marco Zaninelli WILL 216 TR 3:30 PM-4:59 PM A continuation of PHIL 6721. LGIC3200401, MATH5710401, PHIL4722401
PHIL 6724-401 Logic: From Gödel to Gödel Scott Weinstein TOWN 307 TR 10:15 AM-11:44 AM The course focuses on two central results of logic, the Gõdel Completeness Theorem and the Gõdel Incompleteness Theorems, and their ongoing impact on developments in mathematics, philosophy, and technology. PHIL4724401
PHIL 6800-401 Philosophy of Science: Feminist Philosophy of Science Carlos Santana DRLB 4N30 TR 3:30 PM-4:59 PM This graduate seminar is an advanced introduction to the central philosophical questions concerning the nature of scientific knowledge and its relation to experience, and the metaphysical assumptions underlying the natural sciences. Topics to be covered include: science versus pseudoscience, laws of nature, causation, determinism and randomness, theories and models in science, scientific explanation, underdetermination of theories by observation and measurement, realism and antirealism, reductionism and intertheory relations, objectivity and value judgments in science, hypothesis testing and confirmation of scientific theories, and classical paradoxes in scientific methodology. PHIL4800401