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Susan Sauvé Meyer

Professor of Philosophy

Ph.D. Cornell University





Research Interests

Ancient Philosophy, Ethics

  • Greek and Roman Philosophy
  • History of Moral Philosophy

I work on Greek and Roman philosophy, with focus on ethics and politics and additional interests in the natural philosophy of the period (especially Aristotle and the Stoics). My monograph Ancient Ethics (Routledge 2008) is a systematic treatment of Plato’s, Aristotle’s, Epicurean, and Stoic ethics designed to serve the interests both of students of ancient philosophy and of specialists in contemporary ethics who seek to understand the differences between Ancient and modern ethical philosophy. I have published a translation and commentary on Plato's Laws, Books 1-2, in the Clarendon Plato Series of Oxford University Press, and I am at work on the next volume, which will cover Books 3, 4, and 5. My latest book is a new translation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (abridged, with notes for the general reader) in the series Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers (Princeton University Press).

My online open-access courses, Plato and his Predecessors and Aristotle and his Successors are free and open to the public. 

Selected Publications

Find me on PhilPapers:

How to Flourish: an ancient guide to living well (Aristotle's Nicomachen Ethics (abridged) in a new translation with notes for the general reader). Princeton University Press, 2023.

Plato's Statesman: a Philosophical Discussion, edited by P. Dimas, M. Lane, and S. S. Meyer.  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)

Virtue, Happiness, and Knowledge, edited by D. O. Brink, C. Shields, and S. S. Meyer.  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Plato: Laws Books 1 and 2, translated with a commentary.  The Clarendon Plato Series.  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

Ancient Ethics. (London: Routledge, 2008). 

Aristotle on Moral Responsibility: Character and Cause. (Blackwell 1993; reissued Oxford UP 2011)


“The Laws” in G. Fine, ed.,  The Oxford Handbook to Plato, 2nd edition.  Oxford: Oxford University Press (2019) 359-378

“Passion, Impulse, and Action in Stoicism” Rhizōmata 6.1 (2018): 109-134.

“Aristotle on Moral Motivation,” in Moral Motivation ed. Iakovos Vasiliou.  Series, Oxford Philosophical Concepts. Oxford University Press (2016), 44-66.

“Emotion and the Emotions” [with Adrienne Martin].  In Roger Crisp, (ed.) The Oxford Handbook to the History of Ethics.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013: 638-671.

“Chain of Causes: What is Stoic Fate?”  in Ricardo Salles, ed., God and Cosmos in Stoicism,  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009: 71-90.

“Aristotle, Teleology, and Reduction.” The Philosophical Review 101, (1992), 791-825.



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