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Michael Weisberg

Bess W. Heyman President's Distinguished Professor of Philosophy

Interim Director of Perry World House

Editor-in-Chief, Biology and Philosophy

Director of the Galápagos Education and Research Alliance

Ph.D. Stanford University

Michael Weisberg is interim director of Perry World House, as well as Bess W. Heyman President’s Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. A philosopher of science and senior negotiator at United Nations Climate Conferences, he is editor-in-chief of Biology and Philosophy and director of the Galápagos Education and Research Alliance. He is the author of Simulation and Similarity: Using Models to Understand the World, co-author of the landmark photographic study Galápagos: Life in Motion, and a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report. An expert on the climate needs of small island developing states, Weisberg currently serves as senior advisor to Jamaica's Permanent Representative to the United Nations and as an advisor to the Fiji and Palau negotiating teams at COP. Weisberg was a leading voice in the development of the "mosaic of solutions" for addressing loss and damage due to the adverse impacts of climate change, which led to major breakthroughs on the topic at COP27 and COP28. He received a PhD and MA in Philosophy from Stanford University and a BS in Chemistry and BA in Philosophy with Highest Distinction from the University of California at San Diego.


Research Interests

  • Philosophy of Science
  • Global Climate Policy (especially Loss and Damage and Adaptation)
  • Philosophy of Biology
  • Philosophy of Chemistry
  • Public Understanding of Science
  • Community Science

Selected Publications

Find me on PhilPapers:

Simulation and Similarity: Using Models to Understand the World, 2013, Oxford University Press.

Galápagos: Life in Motion, forthcoming 2018, Princeton Unviersity Press (with Walter Perez)

"Three Kinds of Idealization," The Journal of Philosophy, 104 (12) 639-59.

“Robustness Analysis,”Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Science, 73, 730–742.

“Who is a Modeler?”, British Journal for Philosophy of Science, 58, 207–233.

(215) 898-0417

421 Cohen Hall

by appointment

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