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Luca Garzino Demo

MA Philosophy 

University of Turin 2022

MS Social and Political Sciences 

Collegio Carlo Alberto (Turin) 2022

BA Philosophy 

University of Turin 2020   

Hi! I’m a second-year Ph.D. student in Philosophy at the University of Pennsylavnia and a M.A. student in Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School of Business. My primary interests are philosophy of social science and social epistemology. In particular, the questions that I think about typically have to do with trust, information flow, and norms within science. 

Research Interests

  • Philosophy of Science (in particular social sciences) 
  • Social Norms
  • Social (and formal) Epistemology
  • Agent-based modelling 
  • Open Science

Selected Publications

Garzino Demo, L., (forthcoming), “Preregistration is not a ceiling. But it can become one,” Synthese