Hi! I’m a second-year Ph.D. student in Philosophy at the University of Pennsylavnia and a M.A. student in Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School of Business. My primary interests are philosophy of social science and social epistemology. In particular, the questions that I think about typically have to do with trust, information flow, and norms within science.
Luca Garzino Demo
MA Philosophy
University of Turin 2022
MS Social and Political Sciences
Collegio Carlo Alberto (Turin) 2022
BA Philosophy
University of Turin 2020
Research Interests
- Philosophy of Science (in particular social sciences)
- Social Norms
- Social (and formal) Epistemology
- Agent-based modelling
- Open Science
Selected Publications
Garzino Demo, L., (forthcoming), “Preregistration is not a ceiling. But it can become one,” Synthese.