Freedom, Justice, and the Social Contract
Winner of the American Philosophical Association Fred Berger Memorial Prize 2008. Awarded for the best paper in philosophy of law published in 2006 or 2007. I share this prize with David A. Reidy for our article “The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices.”
Winner of the Graduate Student Travel Award, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting 2006, Pacific Division Meeting, 2009.
Winner of the Thanks to Scandinavia Fellowship for Studies at University of Pennsylvania, 2007-2008.
Winner of the University of Pennsylvania Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Travel Award, 2007, 2009.
Benjamin Franklin Graduate Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-11.
Winner of the Herman E. Spivey Fellowship, University of Tennessee, 2004- 05.
Winner Beard Scholarship, University of Tennessee, Fall 2005.
Winner Thanks to Scandinavia Scholarship, May, 2004.
Article referee for Journal of Social Philosophy, Journal of International Relations and Development, and European Journal of Political Theory.
Co-organizer with Patrick Frierson, Dasha Polzik, and Rafeeq Hasan of Author Meets Critic Session, on Joshua Cohen A Free Community of Equals (OUP, 2010) and Frederick Neuhouser Rousseau’s Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition (OUP, 2008) at the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego, April 2011.
Co-organizer of the Special Workshop ‘Rawls and Habermas on Human Rights and Democracy’ at the Internazionale Vereinigung fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 22nd World Congress, Granada, Spain, May 2005.
Co-organizer and co-chair with Dr. Ib Martin Jarvad of the Workshop ‘Individuals, Nations and Rights and the Community of Sovereign States - Challenges to Contemporary Political Philosophy’, at the International Society for the Study of European Ideas 9th International Conference, Pamplona Spain, August 2004.
Co-founder of the Network for Ethics and Justice in the Community of Nations, with Ib Martin Jarvad. I was responsible for securing funding for this network from the Danish Research Council.
Samuel Freeman
Paul Guyer
Kok-Chor Tan