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Jeppe von Platz

MA in philosophy, University of Tennessee, 2006 
Cand.Comm, Roskilde University, Denmark, 2003
BA in philosophy, Roskilde University, Denmark, 1999

Dissertation Title: 

 Freedom, Justice, and the Social Contract


Winner of the American Philosophical Association Fred Berger Memorial Prize 2008. Awarded for the best paper in philosophy of law published in 2006 or 2007. I share this prize with David A. Reidy for our article “The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices.”

Winner of the Graduate Student Travel Award, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting 2006, Pacific Division Meeting, 2009.

Winner of the Thanks to Scandinavia Fellowship for Studies at University of Pennsylvania, 2007-2008.

Winner of the University of Pennsylvania Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Travel Award, 2007, 2009.

Benjamin Franklin Graduate Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-11.

Winner of the Herman E. Spivey Fellowship, University of Tennessee, 2004- 05.

Winner Beard Scholarship, University of Tennessee, Fall 2005.

Winner Thanks to Scandinavia Scholarship, May, 2004.




Article referee for Journal of Social PhilosophyJournal of International Relations and Development, and European Journal of Political Theory.

Co-organizer with Patrick Frierson, Dasha Polzik, and Rafeeq Hasan of Author Meets Critic Session, on Joshua Cohen A Free Community of Equals (OUP, 2010) and Frederick Neuhouser Rousseau’s Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition (OUP, 2008) at the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego, April 2011.

Co-organizer of the Special Workshop ‘Rawls and Habermas on Human Rights and Democracy’ at the Internazionale Vereinigung fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 22nd World Congress, Granada, Spain, May 2005.

Co-organizer and co-chair with Dr. Ib Martin Jarvad of the Workshop ‘Individuals, Nations and Rights and the Community of Sovereign States - Challenges to Contemporary Political Philosophy’, at the International Society for the Study of European Ideas 9th International Conference, Pamplona Spain, August 2004.

Co-founder of the Network for Ethics and Justice in the Community of Nations, with Ib Martin Jarvad. I was responsible for securing funding for this network from the Danish Research Council.


Samuel Freeman

Paul Guyer

Kok-Chor Tan

Research Interests


  • Political philosophy
  • Philosophy of law
  • History of normative thought

Dissertation Topic: an investigation of the relations between freedom, law, and justice in the philosophies of Rousseau and Kant.

Selected Publications

APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Law, spring 2010, pp. 1-4; co-authored with David A. Reidy [this is a precis of the article that won the Berger Prize].

“Reply to Our Critics,” APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Law, spring 2010, pp 10-12, co-authored with David A. Reidy.“Outline of the Field of Reparative Justice,”


“Reasonable Disagreement and Metaphysical Immodesty: A Comment on Talbott’s Which Rights Should be Universal”, Human Rights Review, Gary Herbert ed., vol. 9, no. 2, June 2008.

“The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices”, Journal of Social Philosophy: Special Issue Reparations, edited by Rahoul Kumar and Kok-Chor Tan, general editor Carol Gould, vol. XXXVII, 3, pp. 360-376, Fall 2006 (The North American Society for Social Philosophy), Co-authored with David A. Reidy, University of Tennessee. This article was Awarded the 2008 Fred Berger Memorial Prize of the American Philosophical Association.

“Oplysningens arv – Kant og den politiske frihed [The Inheritance from Enlightenment – Kant and Political Freedom]”, in FILOSOFI, no. 3, September 2003.


Book Reviews

Jürgen Habermas Time of Transitions, edited and translated by Ciaran Cronin & Max Pensky (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2006) and The Divided West, edited and translated by Ciaran Cronin (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2006), in Kaja Mollerin ed. Agora, 2008, 2.

Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, by John Rawls, S. Freeman ed. Harvard University Press, 2007, in Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 43, 1, March 2009.

The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review, by Larry D. Kramer, Oxford University Press, 2005, in James Taylor ed. Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 40, 1, March 2006.


Printed in Conference Proceedings

“Freedom as Both Fact and Postulate,” in Proceedings of the XI Kant Congress, (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, forthcoming).

“Faith in Reason: Questioning Practical Reason as Fact, Norm, End, and Function of Human Rights”, paper presented at the Special Workshop Habermas and Rawls on Human Rights and Democracy’ at the XXII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Granada, Spain, in Human Rights and EthicsProceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, Vol. III (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007) pp. 46-59.

“Aristotle and Natural Rights”, printed in Proceedings of the Kent State 12th Annual Graduate Conference, Kent State University, March 2005.



Entries on “Right, Concept of,” “Right, priority over the good,” Freeman, Samuel, and “Liberalism, comprehensive,” in A Rawls Lexicon, J. Mandle & D. Reidy eds. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2011).




“Kant’s Two Concepts of Virtue,” scheduled for presentation at the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, San Diego, April 2011.

“Freedom as both Fact and Postulate,” presented at XI International Kant Congress, Pisa, Italy, May 2010.

“The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices,” presented at Berger Prize Special Session, at American Philosophical Association, Pacific Meeting, Vancouver, April 2009.

“Facts and Principles of Justice,” presented at American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, Vancouver, April 2009.

“Grotius on Justice, Legitimacy, and Political Obligation,” presented at Association for Political Theory Conference, October 2008.

“Hume’s Regulative Ideal of Justice,” presented at the Canadian Philosophical Association 2007 Congress, May 2007.

“Feinberg’s Challenge: Why we need a Mixed Theory of Legal Punishment,” presented at Tennessee Philosophical Association Meeting 2006, Vanderbilt University, November 11th 2006.

“On Kant’s Distinctions between Perfect and Imperfect and Narrow and Wide Duties,” paper presented at American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Chicago, April 27th 2006.

“Faith in Reason: Questioning Practical Reason as Fact, Norm, End, and Function of Human Rights,” presented at the Special Workshop Habermas and Rawls on Human Rights and Democracy’ at the XXII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Granada, Spain, May 2005.

“Habermas on Human Rights: A Critical Exposition,” paper presented at ISSEI 9th International Conference, August 2004, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona Spain.

“Kant's Political Philosophy – Systematic Liberalism and Radical Conclusions,” paper presented at Kant Symposium, University of Aarhus, Denmark, May 2004.

“Why National Liberalism is Non-sense”, Paper presentation at the XXII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, August 2003, Lund, Sweden.

”Why Modern Politics are Messy,” Paper Presented at Roskilde University Symposium, April 2004.

“The Just Society?” presented at the Annual meeting of the Danish Philosophical Society 2003, March 2003, Odense, Denmark.

Conference Comments

Comment on Frederick Neuhouser Rousseau’s Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition, scheduled for the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego, April 2011. [This comment may be cancelled if I’m not allowed to both present and comment at this APA meeting.]

Comment on Rafeeq Hasan “Rousseau’s Two Concepts of Obligation,” Princeton-Columbia-Penn Graduate Student Conference in Philosophy, April 2010.

Comments on Robert W. Glover “Agonism Unbound: De-Linking the Competing Strains of Agonistic Pluralism” and William Corlett “Radical Pluralism Unbound” at North Eastern Political Science Association Meeting, Philadelphia, November, 2009.

Comment on Joel MacClellan “Rational and Animal Natures: Kantian Ethics and the Problem of Nonrational Beings”, at Tennessee Philosophical Association Meeting 2006, Vanderbilt University, November 11th 2006.

Comment on “Perpetual Peace and the Law of Peoples: How Rawls Develops Kant”, paper by Alyssa R. Bernstein, at Conference on Kant’s Vision in his Zum Ewigen Frieden, Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen Denmark, August 18th 2006.

Comment on “ Kant and the Modern State System”, paper by Mogens Chrom Jacobsen, at Conference on Kant’s Vision in his Zum Ewigen Frieden, Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen Denmark, August 17th 2006.


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