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Claire Finkelstein

Professor of Law and Philosophy


J.D. Yale, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh

Research Interests


  • Criminal Law
  • Legal Philosophy
  • Moral and Political Philosophy

Selected Publications

HOBBES’ LEGAL THEORY (work-in-progress).

Acting on an Intention, in REASON, INTENTION AND MORALITY (Gijs Van Donselaar & Bruno Verbeek eds., Ashgate Publishing, forthcoming 2007).

A Contractarian Argument Against the Death Penalty, 81 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1283 (2006).

Hobbes and the Internal Point of View, 75 FORDHAM L. REV. 1211 (2006).

Report for British Law Commission on American Murder Law, Completed September, 2005 (available upon request), published in British Law Commission CP177 (December 20, 2005).

Merger and Felony Murder, in DEFINING CRIMES: ESSAYS ON THE CRIMINAL LAW’S “SPECIAL PORT” (Antony Duff & Stuart Green eds., Oxford Univ. Press 2005).

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