Cohen Hall 402, University of Pennsylvania
Kant and German Idealism: A Conference in Honor of Rolf-Peter Horstmann
Place: Cohen Hall 402, University of Pennsylvania (but see qualification below)
Date and time: Oct. 4, 2pm to 7pm; Oct. 5, 9:30am (coffee) to 4:30pm.
Friday, Oct. 4 (opening remarks and first talk in Philosophy Library, 4th floor, Cohen)
2pm to 2:10: Opening remarks: Gary Hatfield (Penn)
2:10 to 3:20: Nabeel Hamid (Concordia): “Kant on Physicotheology”
3:30 to 4:45: Rolf Horstmann (Penn): “Hegel’s Idealism” (in Cohen 402)
5:10pm to 6:20: Dina Emundts (Free Univ., Berlin): “Kant and Hegel on Time”
6:20 to 7pm: reception
Saturday, Oct. 5
9:30 to 10am, coffee and donuts
Chair: Susan Sauvé Meyer (Penn)
10am to 11:10: Des Hogan (Princeton): “Absolute Space and the A Priori”
11:15 to 12:25: Reed Winegar (Fordham): “Kant’s Three Conceptions of Infinite Space”
Lunch (provided for speakers)
Chair: Julie Klein (Villanova)
2pm to 3:10: Wiebke Deimling (Clark University): “Emotions and Value in Kant’s Anthropology”
3:15 to 4:25: Paul Guyer (Brown): “Necessity, Contingency, and Idealism”
Closing remarks
Co-sponsors: Philosophy Dept., UPenn; Wolf Humanities Center, UPenn; GPPC