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Interpreting Plato: A Conference in Honor of Charles Kahn

Friday, October 5, 2012 - 3:00pm

Cohen Hall 402

Interpreting Plato: 
A Conference in Honor of Charles Kahn
upon the occasion of his retirement from the University of Pennsylvania.  October 5-6, 2012

402 Cohen Hall

University of Pennsylvania

Friday October 5

3:00pm         Welcome

3:10         Session 1:         “Goods to the Good: Plato on the Principles of Correct Poetry”

Speaker:  Susan Sauvé Meyer, University of Pennsylvania

Chair:  Ralph Rosen, University of Pennsylvania

4:30         Keynote Address:   Julia Annas,
Regents Professor of Philosophy, University of Arizona

"Soul and State: George Grote, Charles Kahn, and Plato's Later Thought"

Chair: Verity Harte, Yale University

6:00                           Reception

Saturday October 6

9:30 am         morning coffee

10:00         Session 2:  "The Hypothetical Method and the Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul in the Phaedo"

Speaker:  Vassilis Karasmanis, National Technical University of Athens

Chair: Daniel Muñoz-Hutchinson, St. Olaf’s College

11:30         Session 3: "Plato's Conceptions of Truth and Falsity"

Speaker:  David Wolfsdorf, Temple University

Chair: Alexander Mourelatos, University of Texas, Austin

1:00                            break

3:00         Session 4: "Knowing and Acting in Plato's Middle Period"

Speaker: Christopher Bobonich, Stanford University

Chair:  Rolf-Peter Horstmann, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

4:30                           afternoon coffee

5:00         Session 5:   "Is Schleiermacher the founding father of modern Platonic studies?"

Speaker: André Laks, Université Paris–Sorbonne/ Universidad Panamericana, Mexico.

Chair:  Alexander Nehamas, Princeton University


6:30         Presentation to Charles Kahn of festschrift volume, Presocratics and Plato (Parmenides Publishing, 2012).

Chair:  Richard Patterson, Emory University

Presentation:  Arnold Hermann, Hyele Institute.

Remarks:         Charles Kahn, University of Pennsylvania


7:00                           Reception 



Location:  Cohen Hall 402, University of Pennsylvania.


There is no fee for registration, but please register by sending an email to, so that we will know how many people to expect.


Conference Hotel:

The Latham Hotel in Center city Philadelphia (135 South 17th Street, 1-877-528-4261) is offering a special rate of $159/night, subject to availability.  Please ask for the “University of Pennsylvania Rate” when making reservations.



  • The Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium
  • The Department of Philosophy, Department of Classical Studies, Center for Ancient Studies, The School of Arts and Sciences, and the University Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania 

Paper Title

J. Annas, C. Bobonich, A. Laks, V. Karasmanis, S. Meyer, D. Wolfsdorf [click for program]